Keep up to date on Masterix’s upcoming innovations
Produced in our Masterix factory with high-tech machines, the six types of the Masterwax line have unique characteristics that can be suited to achieve specific results for different types of production.
You can order our waxes in the following formats:
(MOQ) Mininum Order Quantity - 5 Kg and only multiples of 5
ES: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 .... ∞ Kg.
The waxes in Masterwax range are easily recognizable thanks to the teardrop-shaped design. Only Masterix waxes have this shape in order to make them recognizable at first sight!
The design has been registered, protecting the consumer from unconsciously buying waxes that are not our own production but sold as such.
That is why it is so easy for our customers around the world to recognise the best performing injection waxes on the market; anyone can distinguish them from imitations.
Our waxes are recognised not only for the design, but especially for their high quality and ductility. They have been designed and formulated for extraordinary results, suitable for a wide variety of applications.
An in-depht study and a specific research into raw materials and market needs, has enabled us to find perfect formulations that will consent safe results of excellent quality.
The innovative project has been thought to enhance the combination of the MASTERINJECT injector line and the MASTERWAX wax line.
This will ensure better results, the result will be evident before and after casting.
Masterwax guarantees optimal results even for the most complex and fine models!